現今,毛小孩已成為不少人家中的重要成員之一,位居全台溫泉酒店密度最高的 礁溪寒沐酒店與寒沐行館,原本就以頂 級服務已受到不少品味人士喜愛,近期, 因看準國民旅遊的熱潮,此外,由於酒店的總經理也是愛狗人士,因此特別規劃了 全宜蘭第一間的五星級酒店等級的寵沐苑,提供擁有寵物的住客精緻的寵物寄宿 與安親服務,讓入住酒店期間可以不需擔心家中的毛小孩,且更恣意放鬆度假。
寵沐苑給予家中寵物無比的寵愛,首 先,一抵達位於礁溪寒沐行館時,便有專 人以寵物專屬推車,讓狗狗完全不需落地行走就能進入酒店,盡享尊榮服務,而提 供體型大小不一的犬隻過夜休憩的 16 間 專屬區域,使用了來自奧地利的 EGGER 系統櫃板,不只是低甲醛的安心材質。
此外,更設有獨立的全熱交換系統,可以平衡空間中與室外的溫度,讓寵物感受舒適自在,而備有美國 Honeywell 抗敏空氣 清淨機則是確保空氣品質的循環與流通, 讓狗狗關閉在室內空間,也可以大口呼吸新鮮空氣。而最特別之處便是設計了泡 湯戲水池,在鋪設人工草皮與木棧道的 戶外遊憩區旁,寵物不只可以盡情奔跑, 寵沐苑引入了礁溪著名的碳酸氫鈉泉的 泡湯池,讓毛小孩也能享受泡湯樂趣。
或許有些主人會擔心寵物入住時的狀況,寵沐苑特別設立了獨立監控系統,只要透過手機 App 就可 24 小時即時視訊,不只可以隨時觀看家中的寵物的情形, 也能與其互動,而此服務也可隨時記錄 毛寵可愛的身影,作為度假留念之用。 (本文刊登於 Vintage Square 富豪人生 2021年 2月號 )
In modern society, dogs become important members of families. Mu Jiao Xi Hotel and Mu Jiao Xi Reserve, located in Jiao Xi, have attracted many people with unique tastes by their high-class services. Recently, it launched Mu Pet House, the first dedicated hotel for dogs in Yilan, offering high-class pet boarding services, so that these guests can enjoy their vacation without worrying about their loved ones. When a family arrives at Mu Reserve, a specially-assigned person will take their dogs with trolleys into the hotel.
Inside the Mu Pet House, there are EGGER system cabinets with 16 rooms for dogs in different body types to stay. Mu Pet House is also equipped with a temperature control system that keeps the rooms at a comfortable temperature. In addition, the Honeywell air purifier helps maintain the air quality and air circulation. Dogs can still breathe fresh air in the rooms. Mu Pet House has other facilities like pools, an artificial turf area, and an outdoor playground for dogs. It also has a hot spring bath room for dogs to enjoy the sodium bicarbonate spring water of Jiao Xi.
Mu Pet House is also equipped with an independent monitoring system for the pets. Using an application on their smartphone, owners can find out how their pets are getting on and interact with them at any time. This system also helps record commemorative videos.