連續 23 年義大利米其林一星肯定的 Ca’Vittoria 主廚 Massimiliano Musso,以傳統 義式家鄉菜,與來自歐洲各國的國際級餐飲服務團隊,讓台灣的饕客在 Artbrosia by Massimiliano Musso Ca’Vittoria 餐廳中,體驗彷彿置身義大利的美食經驗。
在我們認識這家米其林等級的新餐廳 Artbrosia by Massimiliano Musso Ca’Vittoria 之前,必須先了解一 個希臘字詞「ἀμβροσία 」。 此字最早源自於古希臘神 話,意指眾神品嘗仙饈美饌後,產生了青春永生的 效果,之後所延伸出的 「Artbrosia」 則 被 認 為 是藝術與仙饈美饌的結 合,讓精神與物質層次都 能同時被滿足,因此,君 品酒店以此作為命名,主要 希 望 Artbrosia by Massimiliano Musso Ca’Vittoria 餐廳能夠充分給 予饕客絕佳的餐飲體驗,並且帶來心靈的喜悅。
多年來,深耕義大利市場的雲朗集團, 不只在羅馬、威尼斯與等地設有羅馬大飯 店、雲水之都、聖莊、嵐莊與蓉莊等多家 五星級酒店,旗下的君品酒店也不時邀請 義大利米其林星級主廚來台客座,而去年 五月,米其林一星餐廳 Ca’Vittoria 主廚 Massimiliano Musso 訪台,以溫暖人心的 義大利菜,在本地獲得不錯迴響後,今 年,他再度受君品酒店之邀開設 Artbrosia by Massimiliano Musso Ca’Vittoria 餐 廳, 讓 喜愛他精湛手藝的饕客,不用專程飛抵 義大利,就能享受美味佳餚。
以透明整面偌大酒櫃作為區隔,並且 取用原先君品酒店雲軒的部分餐廳空間, 再經由設計師陳瑞憲加以改裝,Artbrosia by Massimiliano Musso Ca’Vittoria 承 襲 了 君 品酒店一貫的典雅作風,並且以古典畫作 裝飾、古董壁毯與光線昏黃低調的獨立 空間作為主要設計元素,讓人置身其中, 便彷彿進入浪漫的歐洲國度。
不只是空間氛圍獨特,仔細觀察Artbrosia by Massimiliano Musso Ca’ Vittoria 的服務陣容更是國際化,除了廚藝總監 Massimiliano Musso 是 義 大 利 人, 行 政 主廚 Josef Pindur 則來自捷克,資深領班 Joel Jesus Romero Valencia、 協 理 Stefan Menashe 領檯 Karolina Bierut 等,更是分 別從秘魯、義大利、比利時與波蘭來台, 其中不乏是首次造訪台灣的外籍人士, 而這樣的精心安排,無非是希望給與饕 客媲美在歐美的餐飲服務品質。
以 Massimiliano Musso 為 名 的 Artbrosia by Massimiliano Musso Ca’Vittoria 餐 廳, 自然是以Massimiliano Musso的餐飲理念為出發,來自義大利西北部皮埃蒙特 (Piedmont)地區的他,1981 年出生, 家族所經營的餐廳已經傳承數代,且自 1997 年便獲得米其林一星至今,連續 23 年之間,其菜色的精髓便是源自祖母 與母親的傳家食譜,爾後,又因他自身 在紐約、香港、莫斯科等地的廚藝工作, 讓來自家族的傳統義式料理得以增加不 少現代元素,也使一道道兼具傳統與摩 登元素的美味佳餚,獲得絕佳口碑。
其中,一道名為 Memories 的義大利麵食,是源自於 Ca’Vittoria 餐廳,以巴西里與手工揉製成製成了綠色麵皮,再卷入 燉煮超過 60 小時以上的牛尾蔬菜泥,最 後,再淋上以巴西里、德國白菜及牛尾 精華等特調醬汁,以及點綴巴西里精油,增加香氣,因此,品嘗時,不只可以感 受麵皮口感扎實之外,巴西里的清新味 道也不時從嘴邊竄出之外,牛肉軟嫩的肉香也交織其中,整體味道濃郁,讓人意猶未盡。
而一道 Autume 則是呼應了主廚的家鄉皮埃蒙特的物產,特別是秋季盛產的產葡 萄與白松露,作法是以約 61 度烹調出透 亮的水波蛋,底層鋪上富有煙燻氣息的 栗子泥,在蛋的周圍佐上黑松露、白松露、炙烤過的松本茸、煙燻火腿、麵包、 洋蔥與白蘑菇等,最後再搭配雞汁熬煮的濃郁洋蔥奶醬,多層次口感與松露香氣, 實屬一道佳作。
除了美食,Artbrosia by Massimiliano Musso Ca’Vittoria 最具特色的便是義大利 酒藏,而頂級酒款 Barolo 跟 Barbaresco 也在藏酒之列,若是您有機會造訪,不 妨點上一杯,讓整個用餐的過程洋溢著 迷人的義式風情。
Before introducing Artbrosia by Massimiliano Musso Ca’ Vittoria, the newest restaurant of Palais de Chine Hotel in Taipei, it is necessary to start from a Greek word ”ἀμβροσία”. Originated from Ancient Greek mythology, the word told of a story that all gods rejuvenated after enjoying delicious food, and therefore comes the word Artbrosia indicating the combination of art and godly cuisine making everyone spiritually and physically satisfied. And that is why Palais de Chine Hotel in Taipei used Artbrosia by Massimiliano Musso Ca’Vittoria as the name of the restaurant in hope of providing excellent experience and spiritual happiness to every customer.
For many years, L’Hotel de Chine Group who has put effort in Italian market has set up various 5-star restaurants including A.Roma Lifestyle Hotel, Palazzo Venart Luxury Hotel, LDC Hotels, Villa Monte Solare, and Villa Ortaglia Estate. The affiliated restaurant Palais de Chine Hotel in Taipei has from time to time invited Michelin-awarded chef to Taiwan. In May, 2019, the Michelin 1-star Ca’Vittoria head chef Massimiliano Musso visited Taiwan providing customers with his hearty Italian cuisine. This year, he was again invited to Taiwan to open Artbrosia by Massimiliano Musso Ca’ Vittoria the restaurant so that every customer can enjoy his hearty Italian cuisines without having to fly to Italy.
Artbrosia by Massimiliano Musso Ca’ Vittoria, separated using a gigantic transparent liquor cabinet and adopted partial space from La Rotisserie another restaurant and further refined by the interior designer Ray Chen, Artbrosia by Massimiliano Musso Ca’ Vittoria inherited the elegant style of Palais de Chine Hotel. Other designs including classic painting, antique tapestry, and yellowish illumination provide a romantic Europe-like sensation.
Besides the aforementioned design and sensation, the international team includes chef director Massimiliano Musso from Italy, executive chef Josef Pindur from Czech, advanced team leader Joel Jesus Romero Valencia, senior manager Stefan Menashe, the host Karolina Bierut from Peru, Italy, Belgium and Poland in hope of providing highest service quality to customers.
The restaurant Artbrosia by Massimiliano Musso Ca’ Vittoria provides every cuisine based on the philosophy of Massimiliano Musso. He was born in Piedmont in North West Italy in 1981. His family- owned restaurant has been passed down for generations, and he has been awarded
Michelin 1 star since 1997. During the 23 years, the secret of his cuisine has always been from the recipe passed down from his grandmother and mother. Later on, his traditional Italian cuisine has been added with various modern elements and hence received a lot of word-of-mouth praise thanks to his work experience in New York, Hong Kong, and Moscow.
One of the cuisines called Memories was from Ca’ Vittoria restaurant. It was made from green dough with Parsley wrapping braised oxtail and mashed vegetable added with the special sauce of Parsley, sauerkraut, and braised oxtail. Other flavour also includes Parsley essential oil. The cuisine then has chewy dough and rich smell of Parsley and beef making the cuisine an endless joy.
Another cuisine Autume echoes the products of Missimiliano Musso’s hometown Piedmont, especially grape and Tuber magnatum Pico produced in autumn. The recipe includes poached egg heated at 61 degree Celsius added with smoky chestnut puree. Around the egg added Tuber melanosporum, Tuber magnatum Pico, broiled hon-shimeji mushrooms, smoky ham, bread, onion, and white mushroom. Lastly, added with chicken onion cream sauce, the entire cuisine reveals various different tastes and truffle flavour.
Besides Italian cuisine, the most special product Artbrosia by Massimiliano Musso Ca’ Vittoria has is Italian liquor. Barolo and Barbaresco are on top of the list. If you have a chance to pay a visit, why not order a glass of them making your feast more enjoyable ?(本文刊登於Vintage Square 2020年12月號)