虹夕諾雅 谷關遵循清酒入菜的傳統技法!日式鱘龍魚鍋物期間限定推出



虹夕諾雅 谷關的特色之一便是套房內的浴池皆是戶外,可一邊泡湯,同時邊欣賞谷關的迷人景致。

星野集團在台灣所打造的首間奢華溫泉渡假村:虹夕諾雅 谷關,以融合日式氛圍 與台中谷關獨有的弱鹼碳酸氫鹽泉,而受 到不少講究質感的品味人士歡迎,自開幕 起,更是一房難求。而在今年所推出的「溪谷秘境之湯」限定活動,讓既有的溫泉之 旅,增添不少新意,包含了每天固定兩小 時的「溫泉的時間」,由專人指導一系列 溫泉伸展操,讓泡湯時,可以藉由身體抒 展,改善肩頸痠痛、腰痛等問題,並且促 進血液循環,另外,也分享關於日本藉由 泡湯療養身體各種「湯治」知識,讓住客可以更加了解關於溫泉的不同故事。


而在暖呼呼的泡湯後,最適合享用溫暖鍋物。虹夕諾雅 谷關針對「溪谷秘境之 湯」限定活動所推出的日式鱘龍魚涮涮鍋,其烹煮鱘龍魚的方式完全遵循日本技法,以日本清酒為高湯基底,並且選用富含膠原蛋白、骨膠原與硫酸軟骨素等眾多氨基酸的鱘龍魚軟骨,讓清酒中 獨特的旨味熬成鮮甜濃郁的湯頭,再加上肉質細膩的鱘龍魚肉、鱘龍魚漿丸等, 搭配成一道鮮美無比的鍋物料理。 (本文刊登於 Vintage Square 富豪人生 2021年 2月號 )

Hoshinoya Guguan is the first hot spring resort built by Hoshinoya Resorts in Taiwan.

In winter, going to a hot spring has many advantages. The mineral materials in the hot spring promote the metabolism, making you feel relaxed and comfortable. In addition, some hot springs have the effects of skincare. Taiwan has a lot of volcanic terrain, so there are many natural hot springs throughout the island. Hot springs hotels and resorts, such as Hoshinoya Guguan, have all announced various new services recently.

Hoshinoya Guguan allows guests to enjoy Guguan hot spring in this Japanese- style resort.

Hoshinoya Guguan, the first hot spring resort built by Hoshinoya Resorts in Taiwan, allows guests to enjoy Guguan hot spring in this Japanese-style resort. It has attracted many high-class people since it was opened. It recently announced a limited-edition program adding new experiences during the hot spring vacation. This program includes a two-hour “Time for Hot Spring” treatment. During the treatment, an instructor teaches the guests how to do exercises, helping them relax their bodies and pinpoint the sources of soreness. These exercises also help facilitate blood circulation. Furthermore, the instructor also shares knowledge and culture about hot springs so that guests can find out more about hot springs.

Hoshinoya Guguan recently announced a limited- edition program adding new experiences during the hot spring vacation.

Hoshinoya Guguan also offers a sturgeon hot pot for guests attending this program. The hot pot is made using traditional Japanese techniques. The soup is made of sake and the bones of sturgeon, which are nutritionally rich, containing collagen, chondroitin sulfate and other amino acids. The rich fresh soup, the soft and fresh sturgeon meat and minced fish combine together for an extremely attractive winter dish.

Hoshinoya Guguan also offers a sturgeon hot pot for guests attending this new program.